100% Free
Time Efficient
100% Safe
Designed for Businesses
Confirm all type of employee attendance
Calculating employee bonus and cut
Create and share pay slip easily
One application for employee management
Yes, you can start using GajiTim directly for FREE by downloading the application from Google PlayStore
GajiTim is designed to help SMEs in Indonesia, by upscaling your business with the right platform for employee management.
You only need your Android phone and good internet connection. That’s it.
Terdaftar di Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik dan Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia
PT EASY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS telah memiliki Tanda Daftar Penyelenggara Penyelenggara Sistem
Elektronik (“PSE”) No. 000712.01/DJAI.PSE/05/2021 dan telah terdaftar sebagai anggota Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia (“AFTECH”).