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GajiGesa Point

Stay Prudent with the Accurate Method

Pay all your bills and buy grocery vouchers with GajiGesa Point. Practical payment method that will make you more economical!

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Solution for HR that will Increase Employee Retention

As we all know, increasing employee retention has become one of the biggest challenges for companies. To answer that concern, GajiGesa Point is now here as the help tool for HR. This product could be incorporated into company reward system that employee could use todo transaction in GajiGesa application. This method will push employee to be economical, and be satisfied with benefits given by the company.

Benefits of GajiGesa Point



Use GajiGesa Point to make your transaction more economical

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No Expiry Date

Enjoy GajiGesa Point with no expiry date!


Employee Rewards

Boost employee motivation with GajiGesa Point