Employee Management Aplication
Manage Employee Easier with just One Aplication
Attendance, pay slips, and employee retention management – organize all using only one app
Better, easier, automated and 100% FREE with GajiTim
Attendance, pay slips, and employee retention management – organize all using only one app
Better, easier, automated and 100% FREE with GajiTim
Installed by
Business Owners
Used by
SMEs Owners
Helped Managing
Employee Data
GajiTim saves your time and money by managing your employees’ administration paperworks.
Input your employee data and payroll type easier with GajiTim.
Monitor your employees’ clock-in and clock-out more flexible.
Save your time calibrating employee salary with their bonuses and cuts.
Create and share pay slips, directly from GajiTim app.
Click here to learn more
100% Free
Time Efficient
100% Safe
Designed for Businesses
Terdaftar di Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik dan Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia
PT EASY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS telah memiliki Tanda Daftar Penyelenggara Penyelenggara Sistem
Elektronik (“PSE”) No. 000712.01/DJAI.PSE/05/2021 dan
telah terdaftar sebagai anggota Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia (“AFTECH”).